Its Sunday afternoon and the kids are "supposed to be resting", and after not having fallen asleep within the past hour, I have given up hope of them (or I mean Lily) taking a nap.
I thought I would share about the new seasons in our lives since our camping trip.
The day after we got back from our trip, Lily decided she was potty trained! Literally overnight she was potty trained. Yes, we do occasionally have an accident every now and then, but by the end of the first week of September, she was wearing big girl pants all day! WOW. Now we will be saving some money! The diapers I prefer are around $20 a box for about 36 of them. We typically bought 2 boxes a month. I am proud of my girl. I still can't believe that she was potty trained "overnight".
This past Friday (the 16th) I took J.D. and enrolled him into a Pre-K class that will be every Friday through the month of November. We will try it and see how he likes it. If he does, we will do another "session" as they call it. Right now he is really excited about going to his new school.
I say new because I have started working with him again at home. Our dining room has been transformed into a school room. He loves doing school.
Lily also is doing some school work. I am teaching both of them more sign language.
This month we are learning more of our letters, and J.D. is learning to write them.
A couple of weeks ago I bought a book on couponing. We really need to save every penny we can, so I thought why not at least give couponing a try? And not just using one here and there and saving only .50. So I have immersed myself within this book, trying to understand this lady's language. I even signed up for her free site, which will email my my local store's weekly coupon deals (which they advertise more online than in their paper ads-go figure). But before I can truly start saving some money, she said it takes about 3 months to set up your system by each store. She suggests going to the stores(s) weekly and write down their prices of the items you purchase regularly. You do this for 3 months, and within that time period you can track your items highest price and lowest price. Also by doing this, you become familiar with the stores sale routines. I am curious to see how much money my family can save.
That pretty much covers it. I will let you know how the couponing works out.
Maui - Day Eight
We woke up early with plans to go on a quick snorkel trip before we had to
leave but it was not to be. Zack checked the conditions and they were worse
4 months ago
I'm so proud of you for working with each of your kids! It's neat that they're learning sign language. I taught Lucie a bit before she could talk and she caught on really fast.
Good for you, trying to save every penny you can! We're trying to too....sometimes it's hard!!
Our kids love to camp and we've done it a few times. I liked your camping post!
Take care! I do enjoy reading your blog, even if I am a lurker!!
Yay couponing! A lady I know gave me the same advice, and it's been helpful!
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