June 5, 2011

Anniversary Trip Day 1

To make it easier on myself, I decided I would post about our trip in individual days-not one huge post.

We were pretty much packed and ready to go Friday night. Josh had gotten off work early on Friday to get the SportTrac's oil changed and washed before our trip. After that we were just bidding our time. We would have left Friday night, but we didn't have extra money in our budget, so we waited until Saturday morning.

Saturday morning was the official start to our vacation so we slept in until 10am. Talk about a wonderful start! It was a nice relaxing way to start our busy day. We ate breakfast and loaded up. After dropping off Skink and Schneider with my mom we were on our way...around 1pm. A very late start, but we had plenty of time since we couldn't check into the rental house until 3pm on Sunday.

Josh decided to take HWY 12 over the mountains and into Yakima. Beautiful road. We did hit snow on the summit, and jokingly I told Josh that if we got stuck in the snow the snowplow which was right behind us could just push us the rest of the way.

HWY 12 before the mountains

East side of the mountains

A brief warning: we did enjoy playing with our new camera! We took alot of pictures just to try the different settings. Ok, we had WAY to much fun.

Black and White with color accent

Black and White with color accent (again)

We did not make it very far our first day due to the late start. We stopped for the night in Moses Lake.

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