This morning Josh looked out the window and told me that we had some snow. I didn't believe him because we never get snow. When J.D. woke up a while later Josh told J.D. to go look out the back door. I heard an excited "WOW!" and then knew that we had snow...but just a very light covering. Probably no more than an inch. But none-the-less snow for the kids to go out and play in.
J.D. says that we can't make a snowman because we have "little snow". He says we have to wait for "big snow". He has a very good memory. What he was remembering in this case was before Lily was born and at our old place we had quite a bit of snow. I think up to about 9 inches or so. Since I was very pregnant with Lily at the time, I was not allowed to go out side without help for fear I would slip and fall. So Papa and Grandma came over one afternoon and took J.D. outside to play. Papa and J.D. built a snowman that afternoon, and J.D. remembers that very well. And he wasn't even 2 yet.
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