May 29, 2013

....And We're Back!

I know that I haven't blogged since....well before the new year. I HAVE tried, honestly, but living in the location that we do, Internet is hard to come by, and even then, when I tried to use Josh's phone, blogging just never worked and I would get frustrated then just give up and try again later.  
Well, I am hoping that will change.  For Mother's Day Josh got me an iPod touch.  Right away I looked for and found the Blogger app and it was free (YAY!).  I downloaded it and am using it right now.  So we shall see if this works better!  And if it does, I have a lot of catching up to do, and you can bet that I will be introducing our latest news! 
So please, leave us a comment on this post, letting us know that you are starting to check out our blog again!

1 comment:

J and D Graber said...

Hey, Susie...So glad you are back to blogging. we missed keeping up with what ever you were doing. (Think thay is called being nosy, but...)
Not sure why someone else is also listed under your blog. Can you explain?
Sounds like your Teton trip was great. Dad and Jan