August 27, 2012

August 2012

Our August started out with the pleasant surprise of finding out that a little one will be joining us in March!  The kids are really excited about having a baby, and J.D. said he has been wanting a baby for "a long time".
Then a few days later, Josh packed his bag and headed for his annual youth camping trip.  While he was gone, I enrolled the kids in swimming lessons, and did they love it.  Every day they say that they want to go back to their lessons.  J.D. even went off the diving board into 11 feet of water.
Josh's nephew also got married in mid August.  It was a beautiful ceremony, and it is also wonderful to see that side of his family. 
Last Wednesday I had my first OB appointment.  We were calculating that we were around 12 weeks along with this Little One, but when the doctor couldn't find a heartbeat on the doppler, he had an ultrasound done and it turns out that we were only 8.5 weeks along, but all is well with the baby.  Little One was moving around and we could see the heartbeat so that put all worry aside.
The garden is doing pretty good despite the late weather.  The kids and I have been busy picking blue berries, and pretty soon our black berries will be ripe.  Our plums are finally ripening, and we have 3 trees that are just full of them. 
Friday school is starting up in September, and registration is this Friday.  J.D. is excited to go back, and Lily is beyond excited because she can go this year too. 
So begins our fall...and I am looking forward to it.

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