I so wish I could do a more elaborate update, including Lily's birthday, but that will have to wait since I am rushed for time, and sitting in a parking lot typing this.
We are not going to be buying a house after all. Thing just fell through right at the last minute, and Josh and I were severely disappointed. The kids don't really know yet.
So we are still living in a beautiful, friendly small town where we love it. And actually just the other day Josh found an ad in the local newspaper advertising a house, way out in the country just for a little bit more than what we are paying now. PLUS if we pay just $50 more a month, we can have a barn. We would be renting, but obviously we are not supposed to be getting a house now anyways. The landlord at this country house has no problem with our pets, and certainly has no problem to us expanding our pets. She even said we could have a cow if we wanted. Now, we are not going to get a cow, but definitely will be increasing our chickens, get some ducks, and a couple of goats, and have toyed with the idea of getting two pigs. The property is gorgeous, and we have always wanted to live out in the country since Josh and I both grew up out in the country. BUT I am not getting my hopes up yet. Things have been just kind of crashing all around us, but if this works out, we will be moving again, and this time to a house out in the woods.
Maui - Day Eight
We woke up early with plans to go on a quick snorkel trip before we had to
leave but it was not to be. Zack checked the conditions and they were worse
4 months ago
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