Starting on Thursday, Josh managed to get five days off. We both have been looking forward to this time, and I am sure he has more so than I. Today is day #3, and it has started out wonderfully, but let me recap yesterday.
Yesterday, for the first time since I can ever remember in our marriage we got to decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. I was so excited! Josh was wonderful in being patient with me as we moved furniture, and re-arranged it again and again until we both were happy with what we saw. Then we started making the place beautiful! The kids also got to help, they put window stickies up, and when night came, they loved seeing the place lit up at night. And J.D. got excited when I hung up his stocking...his "sock name" as he called it. But what was I most excited about? Having a fire place to hang our stockings over. YES! That was the highlight of decorating yesterday. Hanging our stockings over the fire place. Now all we need is to go get a Christmas tree and decorate it.
Yesterday was also mom's birthday, so dad took all of us out for dinner, then we came back here and had cake....or that was the plan. Aaron left after dinner to go help a friend who had gotten stuck in the mud. Right before he left I asked, "What if you get stuck?" His reply was "I never get stuck." Well, guess what. Shortly after arriving back at our place, Dad and Josh left to go help Aaron get out of the mud. So we didn't have cake and ice cream until almost 10:30 last night. While they were gone, mom got caught up on facebook then played the Wii with J.D.
Now onto today. This morning was a morning that you only experience while on vacation. Both kids crawled in bed with us and we watched Open Season on tv. Josh got up to make some breakfast and served us breakfast in bed. Then after the movie was over we played with the kids, wrestling with them, tickling them, just having the most laid back, unhurried morning in a very very long time. Ever since June.
Right now Josh is outside with the kids, raking leaves and I think he even plans on tarping the roof of the chicken coop. Then we will have lunch and J.D. has been wanting to take Josh to a pet store here in town. So we will also do that this afternoon. I would like to make a few more stops to buy the kids some socks and other things that are in need, but we may wait and do that on Monday.
Tomorrow is our usual Sunday...Sunday school, church, home, and back again for youth group. Sundays, I can honestly say, is one of the most busiest days for us.
And who knows what Monday will hold. But I know we all are enjoying having Josh here at home with us. And I am pretty sure he doesn't mind being at home with us either.
Maui - Day Eight
We woke up early with plans to go on a quick snorkel trip before we had to
leave but it was not to be. Zack checked the conditions and they were worse
4 months ago
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